What is AmazonSmile?
AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support programs
that help those who need it most every time you shop, in addition to
your regular giving.
When you shop at smile.amazon.com, you'll
find the exact same products and prices as on Amazon.com, but Amazon
will donate a portion of the purchase price to programs that help
grieving children, premature babies and others in need. There's no cost
to you, and Baptist cannot see what you purchase.
How do I shop at AmazonSmile?
Simply go to smile.amazon.com and search for "Baptist Memorial Health Care Foundation." You may want to add a bookmark to smile.amazon.com after you've made your selection to make it even easier to return and start shopping.
Amazon will then donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the Baptist Foundation, which will distribute the money to causes like these:

Close to 5,500 babies are born at Baptist Memorial Hospital for Women each year, and more than 10% of them need special care during their first few weeks. Our newborn intensive care unit, or NICU, treats around 700 at-risk babies annually. This care is expensive, and many patients are on Medicaid or TennCare and aren't able to afford the cost for their care.
When Marixa delivered a one-and-a-half-pound baby girl three months prematurely, Baptist's newborn intensive care unit gave her daughter a fighting chance.
The Kemmons Wilson Family Center for Good Grief and Camp Good Grief
Since opening in 2010, the grief center has conducted more than 30,000 grief sessions, free of charge. Baptist recently expanded its grief services by opening two more locations-- Milla's House in Midtown Memphis and the NEA Center for Good Grief in Jonesboro, Arkansas, near the NEA Baptist Memorial Hospital. The more than $1.1 million it takes to operate the centers is provided by the Baptist Memorial Health Care Foundation and private donations. Camp Good Grief, which has helped mend more than 1,500 broken hearts since 1999, provides a safe environment for children and teens to express their feelings after the death of a loved one.
Beverly lost J.P., her husband of 19 years, to a robbery homicide. Baptist's Kemmons Wilson Family Center for Good Grief helped her and her children learn how to live again.
Baptist Operation Outreach
The Bible says the poor will always be with us as part of our human fabric... and so we reach out to them. Since its launch in 1995, Baptist Operation Outreach has grown into a cornerstone of our community outreach, providing free health, dental and eye care to the homeless and underserved.
Don moved to Memphis homeless after a fire destroyed his house in the Mississippi Delta. A chance encounter with the Baptist Operation Outreach mobile health care clinic helped him turn his life around.